Advanced Potion Making Half Blood Prince


The Advanced Potion Making book was an important part of the sixth story, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. This is the book that Harry got that was in bad shape and had writing all over the inside from someone who called himself the Half-Blood Prince.
Harry came to trust the Prince because the written instructions were far superior to the book's instructions. It didn't take long for Harry to excel under the Prince's guidance. Of course, we all know that the Prince eventually turned on Harry when Harry used the spell for enemies against Draco Malfoy.
Want to make your own Advanced Potion Making book? You can and this video will show you every step you need to take, including how to resize the book's cover to fit whatever book you decide to use.
Some people have a difficult time destroying a book (I'm one of those people) so perhaps you should take a trip to your local thrift store and find a cheap used book that you won't mind modifying. If you find a book that's already worn then consider that an added bonus.
Or, you can use a blank sketchbook if you are creative and want to fill it with your own potions. Make sure the sketch book is thick enough to pass for a school textbook. And don't forget to add notes from the Prince!

Advanced Potion Making Book Half Blood Prince Edition

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A personally-annotated copy of Advanced Potion Making belonged to Severus Snape while he attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Advanced Potion Making is a Potions textbook used by Hogwarts for N.E.W.T level Potions classes and authored by Libatius Borage.

  • Advanced Potion-Making was a book written by Libatius Borage. As the title implied, this book contained advanced recipes and various other topics related to potions. This textbook had been used for many years in the education of young witches and wizards.
  • .Advanced Potion-Making, he had skimmed through it sufficiently to see that there was barely a page on which the Prince had not made additional notes.

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What You Need To Make The 'Advanced Potion Making' Book

  • ​Hardcover book OR
  • Hardcover blank sketch book
  • Book cover printout - here is the link mentioned in the video: 'Advanced Potions Book' template
  • Thick paper or card stock paper
  • Paint brushes
  • Coffee
  • Glue
  • Sandpaper
Do You Need Any Of The Above Items?


Use a paint brush to apply coffee to the outside pages of the book. This will give the book an aged look.

Dry the book with a hair dryer until the pages are dry. If the book is not completely dry then the pages might begin to mold.​

Click the link for the book cover template and save the template to your computer.

Open the template in a text document, such as Word or OpenOffice, and set the page size to 100%. This will allow you to see the actual size of the template.

Hold your book up to your computer screen and scale the template up or down until the template is the right size for your book. I suggest that you leave the template open on your computer in case you made a mistake in scaling it and need to make an adjustment to the scale.

Print the cover on thick paper or card stock. Thick paper or card stock is much more durable than regular paper and your finished product will look more like an actual textbook if you use thick paper.

If your book is small enough that the printed cover will fit completely on the book then cut away the white edges of the cover. If your book is large then you might need to print several covers and cut out both covers and the spine, so you have three pieces to be applied to your book.

Use a paint brush to apply glue t​o the book and put the printed cover on the book as follows:

  • ​If using a single piece of paper for the entire book then apply glue to both front and back covers, as well as the spine. Place the printed paper on the entire book and make sure that the book closes completely with the cover on it.
  • If you cut the covers into three pieces then apply glue to the entire front cover of the book only and put the printed front cover on the book. Repeat for the back of the book and spine.

Rub the covers onto the book so that all parts of the paper are smooth and come in contact with the glue. Let the glue dry completely.

Rub sandpaper on the cover to make the book look old and worn.​

Optional: Tear the book away from the spine about an inch or so on the front or back cover.

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КомедииКрасота, модаКулинария, рецептыЛюдиМото
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СпортСтиль жизниТВ передачиТанцыТехнологии
Half-Blood Prince features the exploration of Hogwarts and casting spells on objects around the school, similar to its predecessor Order of the Phoenix. The game also includes multiplayer games, classes, different times of day, Quidditch, Wizard Duels and Potion making.The Marauder's Map is included in the game, as further progressing can open parts of the school. Harry can also call Nearly Headless Nick to show him around the school. Harry is the main playable character in the game, but Ron and Ginny are also available in two levels. The first has Ron concentrate on following Harry after taking love potion(if he doesn't follow Harry, the mission fails). The second has Ginny fill in Harry for Quidditch when he gets detention and play against the rival seeker Cho Chang.
As Dumbledore mentions, the Duelling Club begins. Harry is allowed to duel freely with students and learn spells from them. The Gryffindor Duelling Club is located in the Great Hall, while the other houses are in other places such as the Paved Courtyard, Training Ground, and Transfiguration Courtyard.
As Harry attends Potions class, mixing ingredients to make potions is done with the Wii Remote or analogue stick. Harry must also join the Potions Club, which is in the Herbology classroom. Potions ingredients surround the cauldron on the work bench, and through visual symbols which pop up onto the screen the instructions must be followed to complete the potion.
Harry is also named Quidditch Captain. Other members on the team are Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, and Katie Bell. They all participate in try-outs and in the Quidditch Cup against Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. When Harry has detention, Ginny is the seeker, while Dean takes her spot. When Ron is in the hospital, Cormac McLaggen takes his spot on the team.
During the game there are 150 shields to collect which may be found throughout Hogwarts castle. The shields can be found by casting spells such as Reparo if they are broken on the ground or by using Wingardium Leviosa to throw an object at one if it is on a wall or an unreachable place. Shields can also be gained by collecting mini-shields which are located in lamps and bannisters. There are also 10 shields given when a specific miniquest is completed by the player.
The school grounds are nearly identical to the previous installment. Some new areas are added, including the entrance to Hogwarts. Other areas previously accessible are now inaccessible due to the new security of Hogwarts added by the aurors.
Видео Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Walkthrough-Part 6-Slughorn's Party! канала Aca Petrovic

Half Blood Prince Advanced Potion Making Book Replica


Advanced Potion Making Half-blood Prince
