Downhill Ski Race G Force


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Super G vs. Downhill


Do you know something about the discipline of skiing? How about skiing in the Alps? Well, there are two popular disciplines nowadays revolving around Alpine skiing. These are the Super G and the Downhill. Unfortunately, many observers confuse them as one and the same because they simply look exactly similar at a glance. However, these two speed centric skiing disciplines have many differences between them.

Alpine race stock skis by Atomic, Dynastar, Fischer, Head, Nordica, Rossignol and Volkl for every ski racer including junior and kids. Rules for the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup - edition 2018/19 - 1 - RULES FOR THE ALPINE FIS WORLD CUP 1. Organisation Jury according to Art. 601.4 ICR 1.1 Downhill (incl. Combined DH) and Super-G - With voting right: the Technical Delegate the Chief of Race of the Organising Committee the Chief Race Director as Referee, appointed by the FIS. In a downhill ski race, surprisingly, little advantage is gained by getting a running start. (This is because the initial kinetic energy is small compared with the gain in gravitational potential energy on even small hills.) To demonstrate this, find the final speed and the time taken for a skier who skies 70.0 m along a $30^circ$ slope. Gravity is the force that holds the skier to the ground and is also what pulls the skier down the hill. While gravity is acting straight down on the skier, a normal force is exerted on the skier that opposes gravity. As the skier skis down the hill, he or she will encounter an acceleration. While all existing models of SkyTechSport Ski Simulators were great for slalom and GS training, downhill has an entirely different physics due to extreme speeds. The new SkyTechSport machines incorporate powerful drives that recreate downhill G-force effect, simulating intense vibrations and compression effects of up to 150 kg (330 lsb) in load.

First, Downhill has a longer course. The terrains involved are also of many types, may it be flat or steep. With regard to flag placement (also known as poles or gates), they are placed a little closer to each other, although, no two flags can readily be seen together, and there’s no minimum number of flags provided so that the skier can still spot the next flag.

Conversely, there’s a minimum set of flags placed in Super G skiing (also known as Super Giant Slalom). The numbers are usually 30 for the female category, while there are 35 for men. These flags are also widely spaced in a similar way to that of Giant Slalom racing. It’s somewhat tougher, because it involves constant turning. There is less or no straight areas to traverse throughout the course, compared to downhill, wherein the course usually involves one or two straight sections. These sections are the places where the skiers actually do some gliding. Overall, Super G is sort of placed in between the Giant Slalom and the Downhill racing levels. It has borrowed some attributes from both.

Regarding history, Super G was only introduced in the World Cup series, back in 1982, although it was only in the year 1988 when it was taken as one of the official Olympic sports. Downhill’s history, on the contrary, can be traced back as early as 1921.

When talking about the skiing speed, Downhill is regarded as the fastest high speed skiing discipline among all the others. Depending on the course, the skier can reach 81 mph, and some terrains even make it possible for the skier to go as fast as 93 mph max. That’s why participation in this kind of sport really takes a lot of training so that the skier can effectively control their speed, do some jumps, and hasten their overall technical expertise.

1. Downhill is the older high speed skiing discipline compared to Super G.

2. Downhill is considered to be the faster disciple compared to Super G.

3. Downhill’s flag placement is much closer to each other than those of Super G.

4. Super G has a minimum set of flags placed in the course, whereas Downhill doesn’t have any minimum.

5. Downhill’s course has straight sections, which is a rare occurrence in a Super G course.

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In a downhill ski race, surprisingly, little advantage is gained by getting a running start. (This is because the initial kinetic energy is small compared with the gain in gravitational potential energy on even small hills.) To demonstrate this, find the final speed and the time taken for a skier who skies 70.0 m along a $30^circ$ slope neglecting friction: (a) Starting from rest. (b) Starting with an initial speed of 2.50 m/s. (c) Does the answer surprise you? Discuss why it is still advantageous to get a running start in very competitive events.
Question by OpenStax is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

a) $26.2 textrm{ m/s}$, $5.35 textrm{ s}$

b) $4.86 textrm{ s}$

c) The difference in times is small ($0.49 textrm{ s}$), which is expected since $v_i << v_f$. Half a second could make a big difference in placements in highly competitive events, such as the olympics, however.

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Women's Downhill Skis Clearance

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Downhill Ski Race G Force 2020

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This is College Physics Answers with Shaun Dychko. A skier descends a 70 meter slope which is inclined at an angle of thirty degrees and we have to find out what their final speed will be at the bottom, assuming there is no friction and assuming they have an initial speed of zero for part A. Then we do the calculation again assuming an initial speed of 2.5 meters per second in part B. Then we compare the total time it takes to get to the bottom of the slope in each case. So we know that the total energy at the end, kinetic plus potential, equals the total energy at the beginning. So we have no potential energy at the end because we'll assume this is our reference level, y equals zero, so the final potential energy is zero. So we have only kinetic energy when the skier is at the bottom. So that's one half mass times final speed squared, and in the initial case we have no kinetic energy because we assume an initial speed of zero for part A and the initial potential energy will be mg times h, the vertical height above the ground. So we can divide both sides by m and then multiply both sides by two and also take the square root of both sides. We end up with the final speed is the square root of two g times the height. Now the height is the opposite leg of this yellow triangle. So we go sine theta multiplied by the hypotenuse which is d in order to find the height. We'll substitute that in for h. We have vf equals square root of twogd sine theta. So that's the square root of two time 9.8 meters per second squared times 70 meters times sine 30 which is 26.2 meters per second. So that's the final speed at the bottom of the slope. Then the next part of this question is what time does it take to get to the bottom of the slope. Well, the total displacement along the slope is going to equal the average velocity multiplied by the time. So we can solve this for t because we know all these other things in the formula. So we'll say, let's multiply both sides by two over v i plus vf and then switch the sides around. We get that t is two d over v i plus vf. So that's two times 70 meters divided by zero initial speed, plus 26.2 meters per second, final speed, giving us 5.35 seconds to descend the slope. Now, in part B the only difference is that there is an initial kinetic energy. So we have this one half m visquared term which is the only difference compared to that second line in part A. We will multiply both sides by two over m and the two and the m cancel in the first term leaving us with vi squared there. Then on the second term the m's cancel, but we're left with the two behind. So that's two gh there, and then we take the square root of both sides to solve for vf. So vf equals the square root of vi squared plus twog d sine theta where we substituted d sine theta in place of the height h. Then we substitute in numbers. So it's the square root of 2.5 meters per second initial speed squared, plus two times 9.8 times 70 times sine 30, giving us 26.3 meters per second is the final speed which is nearly the same as the final speed we had in part A, 26.2. But there is a bit of a -- so this difference in speeds is one tenth whereas the difference in times is actually going to be more significant. It's still a small difference but it's more significant. So we have the time is going to be two d over vi plus vf for the same reason that it was over here. We solved this formula here for t and that's two times 70 divided by 2.5 meters per second initial speed, plus 26.3106 meters per second final speed. That's 4.86 seconds is the total time to get down the slope. So the difference in times is small, 5.35 minus 4.86 is only about half a second. We expect that since the initial speed is so much less than the final speed. But half a second could make a big difference in placement be it first, second, third, fourth in a highly competitive event.