C%2b%2b To Java Converter


'Ravi' <ra**@despammed.com> wrote in message

I don't want anything perfect but something that could get
close for simple C++ programs.
Is there anything that could convert java code to C++ BTW?

I think the best response to your question is to answer with
more questions:
Why do you want to do this? What specific problem are you trying
to solve?
My views about this:
The only really justifiable reasons for choosing one language
over another is that one has determined that it is best suited
for a particular task, or if an implementation of the language
in which existing code is written is unavailable for the target
Automated conversions usually result in very poor code, with
regard to effective exploitation of the target language's
An effective conversion is done by obtaining or deriving the specifications
of the program, and applying the new language's
features in writing the new code, and not using the old code at
all (except perhaps as a reference).
Referring to comments (if any) in the old code can help, e.g.
with regard to elaboration upon the specification, and descriptions
(if any) of particular techniques used to implement a given
task. More often than not such techniques won't translate well
directly to the new language, but the new language might feature a technique
more 'natural' (and typically more efficacious) with that language.
This last is the reason why I reject the idea of using such
automated conversions as aids to learning the new language
(a guess as to a/the motivation of your query).
None of this is topical here anyway.

Hi, I need to convert workable example of OpenCV application to the Java code. To be exactly, I'm trying to convert this project https://github.com/ytsutano/bookscan from OpenCV C++ completely to Java.

  • C to Java Converter is planned to lessen the measure of work you'll need to never really code to Java, however it is only the initial step. You ought not endeavor to change over code that is vigorously subject to pointer number juggling or format metaprogramming since these highlights are just down to earth in C.
  • C Program to Check Palindrome Number - In this article, you will learn and get code to check whether a number entered by user (at run-time) is a palindrome number or not in C. Check Palindrome Number or Not without using Function, Using user-defined Function.
  • Steps to Convert Minecraft Windows 10 Worlds to Minecraft Java. Since Minecraft has no built-in options to convert the worlds from Bedrock to Java, we are going to use a free software called MCCToolChest. This tool allows you to modify the bedrock levels and even convert them as needed.
  • Java Main Method System.out.println Java Memory Management Java ClassLoader Java Heap Java Decompiler Java UUID Java JRE Java SE Java EE Java ME Java vs. JavaScript Java vs. Python Java Absolute Value How to Create File Delete a File in Java Open a File in Java Sort a List in Java Convert byte Array to String Java Basics How.

As Java library I use opencv-245.jar from opencv/build/java folder of OpenCV.

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I already found out following transitions from c++ to java:

But there are many other a lot of code that I don't how to write with Java. For example:

These constants from types_c.h files are also located in unknown places: IPL_DEPTH_8U, CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE etc.


Following classes seems doesn't exist in Java wrapper: CvPoint2D32f, CvMemStorage, CvSeq.

As The Code Refers To Native Libraries, I Suggest Using JNI(Java Native Interface) Rather Than 'conversion' Of Source Code. A Similar Question Has...

And all of this is not a complete list.

In JavaScript You Could Use The Canvas Object. Http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_canvas.asp For Example, Drawing A Line: Http://www.w3schools.com...

So, is there some tool or documentation that can help me in this Java code rewriting? http://docs.opencv.org/java/ is not very helpful.Also, I'd be very grateful if you can answer how to write some of provided lines using Java.

I Need Simple Code For Animating An Object In Java .

And is it possible to rewrite this using JavaCL (maybe, it'll be faster?)?

Online Source Code Converter Between Different Languages Https://www.varycode.com/

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