Convert Iso To Dmg In Linux


Convert to ISO/Extract DMG image in a single click with AnyToISO on both Windows and Mac. Complete command-line support. Freeware with ability to upgrade to Pro version. But too bad that the function to “convert dmg to iso” is restricted and won’t be functional until you buy the software. How To Convert DMG Files To ISO Files On Linux. To convert an ISO to DMG and vice versa, you could purchase a couple of utilities at $4.99 each or do it yourself in just a few seconds. The choice is yours. Browse to the.DMG or ISO file you would like to convert, select it and click on the Choose button. In the pop-up window, select Desktop as your destination. In order to convert.dmg to.iso, make sure to choose DVD/CD master as the Image Format. Click on Convert. If you want to convert.iso to.dmg, set the Image Format to “compressed. Apr 09, 2009 Convert the DMG to ISO and I found a way to do it – and the good thing is that the tool to be used for the conversion comes with Mac OS X and is a simple command line utility. This method only works on a Mac, so you have to convert the DMG file to an ISO on the Mac itself and then transfer and use the resulting ISO on your PC.

So you’re running Linux on your computer, maybe Ubuntu, and you have some files with the .dmg extension. In this guide, we’re going to talk about how to open, mount, extract, and otherwise get your files from these pesky DMG images. You could always just extract the files on a Mac, then transfer them back to your Linux machine. But if you really want to do this on Linux, without having to rely on Mac, here’s how to do it.

What are DMG image files?

Simply put, it’s a kind of image file. But not an image like a jpeg is an image. DMG is Apple’s proprietary disk image format, native to Mac OS X. There are actually a whole bunch of different types, format and options within this format. There are options for encryption, compression, and different kinds of partition schemes, among others. Unfortunately, this can make things pretty confusing when we’re trying to gain access to the data contained in one of these images.

DMG images are typically a kind of Universal Disk Image Format (UDIF), although there are others, namely NDIF and SPARSE. Although the .dmg file extension is usually used, they can also sometimes have an .img extension, or in some cases no extension at all. Their MIME type is application/x-apple-diskimage.

The HFS/HFS+ (Mac OS Extended/Journaled) file system is typically used in DMGs. However, this isn’t always the case. You may also sometimes find FAT and ExFAT files systems, as well as variations on HFS.

Does my system support DMG?

Perhaps the biggest hurdle to overcome when trying to work with DMG files is working with the HFS file system (Mac OS Extended). Linux supports HFS through the “hfs” and “hfsplus” kernel modules.

There’s an easy way to test if your system has these kernel modules. Plug in a USB drive formatted with the Mac OS Extended file system. If your particular distribution doesn’t have the appropriate modules, you will likely get an error message. On Ubuntu, you’ll get a popup window declaring “Ubuntu: Unable to mount '.

Alternatively, we can see if the kernel module files are present with find:

We want to see two files: “hfs.ko” and “hfsplus.ko”. If find doesn’t return these files, your system probably doesn’t support HFS.

You could also try “modinfo”: modinfo hfs and modinfo hfsplus should return something like:

If you get 'modinfo: ERROR: Module hfsplus not found' your system doesn’t have these modules.

Convert Iso To Dmg In Linux Windows 10

Convert Iso To Dmg In Linux

Convert Dmg To Iso In Linux


Not all Linux kernels and distributions support HFS. This is especially the case for certain distributions that are a few years old. If you have kernel support for HFS, great! If not, don’t worry. There are still ways to extract data from your DMG files. While it’s nice to have the option to mount the images we’re working with, this is really the only functionality we’re losing without having the hfs and hfsplus modules. The two programs we’re going to use later on (P7ZIP and dmg2img) do not require kernel support to function.

What kinds of DMG images can be opened in Linux?

This guide is about how to open, mount, and extract files from read/write, read only, and compressed DMG image files. The following partition schemes have all been tested with the techniques discussed here.

Convert Iso To Dmg In Linux
  • Apple Partition Map
  • CD/DVD (partitioned)
  • CD/DVD (partitioned) with ISO data
  • Hard disk
  • Master Boot Record Partition Map
  • No partition map

This guide does not cover how to handle sparse disk images (.sparseimage), sparse bundle disk images (.sparsebundle), or CD/DVD masters. DMG images with partition scheme types of “CD/DVD” and “GUID Partition Map” do not appear to work with the techniques described here.

Option 1: Mount the DMG

If the Linux distribution you’re on has HFS support in the kernel (Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS supports it), it’s pretty easy to just mount the DMG image:

We’re using “sudo” because we need root privileges to mount things. The HFS+ file system type is specified with “-t hfsplus”. The “/mnt” at the end of the command specifies where we’re mounting the image.

Unmount the image with sudo umount /mnt

If you get a wrong fs type message like the one below, it means the DMG file is either of an unsupported type, or it’s compressed. Unsupported images include sparse images, sparse disk bundles, CD/DVD masters, and images with partition schemes of the CD/DVD or GUID Partition Map types.

Use “file” to learn a little more about the image file:

If you get image.dmg: x86boot sector that means it’s probably using a GUID Partition Map and isn’t supported. This isn’t good, however, it’s also not too terribly common.

What’s more common is to see something like this:

If mounting isn’t working, and this is what you’re seeing with “file image.dmg”, then you’re luck!. Our problems are being caused by compression. Linux doesn’t like to mount compressed DMG images. To get around this little obstacle, we’ll use dmg2img (see below).

Convert iso to dmg in linux operating system

Convert Iso To Dmg In Linux Download

Option 2: Use dmg2img for compressed images

So you have a DMG image that you can’t mount because it’s compressed. You’ve done “file compressed_image.dmg” and you got “compressed_image.dmg: bzip2 compressed data”. The fix? That’s easy: use dmg2img to convert it to an uncompressed image. Once you run the image through dmg2img you should be able to mount it no problem.

Don’t have dmg2img? It’s usually pretty easy to get using your distribution’s package management. On Ubuntu, you’d do:

Using dmg2img isn’t very difficult. Type “dmg2img” into the command line followed by the name of the DMG file you want to decompress. The Mac OS X version of Firefox is a good example of a compressed DMG file.

Now mount the resulting .img file:

Option 3: Extract DMG contents with P7ZIP

P7ZIP is awesome. It’s the Linux/BSD version of 7-Zip. Check out their SourceForge page here With it you can literally extract files from any kind of image or archive. Just kidding… It doesn’t really work with every format conceivable. However, it can handle (in alphabetical order): ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR and Z. Impressed? I certainly am!

Installing p7zip is pretty easy using your distribution’s package management system. On Ubuntu with apt-get:

In addition to being able to extract data from compressed and uncompressed images alike, P7ZIP doesn’t require the HFS kernel modules at all. In the example below, we’re going to extract all of the files from “Firefox 33.1.1.dmg”. When we’re done, we’ll have a tidy little folder called “Firefox”.

Invoke P7ZIP to extract archives and images with “7z x”.

Notice that 7z extracted three files: “0.ddm”, “1.Apple_partition_map”, and “2.hfs”. To actually get to the files, we’ll need to run 7z again on “2.hfs”.

We picked “2.hfs” because it was the biggest of the three, meaning it was probably the one with the data. Simple but effective logic. After a few moments, you should have a folder called “Firefox” with all of the files from the original DMG.

So you downloaded an .iso image, and now you want to convert it to .dmg format? How can I convert .dmg to a Windows-compatible .iso on Mac? Don’t bother downloading any third party software, you can easily convert .dmg to .iso or .iso to .dmg format using the Terminal or Disk Utility on Mac OS X.

Method 1: Convert Between .DMG and .ISO Using Terminal

Mac OS X has a command line tool called hdiutil which allows you to create, mount and convert different types of disk image with ease. Here’s how to convert .dmg to .iso format using the Terminal:

  1. Just press Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard to open the Terminal.
  2. Enter the following command into the Terminal window, assuming that you’ve put the .dmg file on your desktop.
    hdiutil makehybrid -iso -joliet -o ~/Desktop/filename.iso ~/Desktop/filename.dmg

    When the process finishes, you’ll get an ISO image that is compatible with Windows, Linux, Ubuntu and Mac.

If you need to convert a disk image from .iso to .dmg, just execute the following command in the Terminal window:
hdiutil convert ~/Desktop/filename.iso -format UDRW -o ~/Desktop/filename.dmg

Sit back and wait for the process to complete.

Method 2: Convert Between .DMG and .ISO Using Disk Utility

  1. Just launch Disk Utility (in /Applications/Utilities). In the menu bar at the top of the screen, select Images -> Convert.
  2. Browse to the .DMG or ISO file you would like to convert, select it and click on the Choose button.
  3. In the pop-up window, select Desktop as your destination. In order to convert .dmg to .iso, make sure to choose DVD/CD master as the Image Format. Click on Convert.

    If you want to convert .iso to .dmg, set the Image Format to “compressed” instead. Click on Convert and you’ll have a .dmg file ready to use.

  4. Simply rename the converted .cdr file to .ISO and you’ll get a Mac-compatible .ISO image. However, a renamed file won’t work on Windows or Linux. To make a Windows/Linux/Mac compatible .ISO file, you have to convert the .cdr file to .iso format using this command:
    hdiutil makehybrid -iso -joliet -o ~/Desktop/filename.iso ~/Desktop/filename.cdr


DMG is a disk image format commonly used by Mac OS X, but it’s practically unusable on Windows or Linux platform. After converting .dmg to .iso on your MacOS, you can copy it to any Windows or Linux computer for burning or mounting.

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