Ffa Officer Installation Ceremony Script


  1. Ffa Officer Installation Ceremony Script Samples
  2. Ffa Officer Installation Ceremony Script
  3. Ffa Officer Script
  4. Ffa Officer Installation Ceremony Script Example
  5. Ffa Officer Installation Ceremony Script Templates

Aug 31, 2015 - Use these officer installation ceremony tips and sample script to make recognize your chapter officers properly. Them understand the duties of the various FFA officers. Chapter 20 in AgriScience Explorations, Chapter 4 in the FFA Student Handbook, and the FFA Official Manual are recommended. Use TM: E3–1A to help demonstrate the officer station’s symbols. TM: E3–1B may be used to explain the characteristics of a good officer.

Prayers for Meetings and Ceremonies. Invocation Prayers for a Public or Corporate Meeting. I am excited for you. About the opportunity you have. To lead a group into the throne room of God. First Meeting Prayer: Will you bow your head as I pray? God of all Creation, We come before you today to give you honor and praise. You are worthy of praise.

An important milestone

Celebrated by both Toastmasters International and District 5, the Toastmasters Club Charter Ceremony is an important milestone for a newly formed club. This is a special meeting when the first club officers are installed and charter members are inducted.

Why make it a ceremony?

The Charter Presentation is a procedural step in the life of a new club. It is a celebration that every charter member will remember and cherish. The charter ceremony is a new beginning for the club’s charter members, and a special event for all members in the District including members of the neighboring Toastmasters clubs in the Area/Division.

Who to invite?

You can count on this ceremony being a good show, so consider inviting the following people to help your club grow:

Ffa Officer Installation Ceremony Script

Ffa Officer Installation Ceremony Script Samples

  1. Friends and colleagues (potential new members)
  2. Management representatives (in a corporate club)
  3. Toastmasters representatives
  4. District officers
  5. Club officers from other clubs in your Area/Division (Contact your area directors for their contact information)
  6. Club sponsors and mentors

When does this take place?


The District Director will contact the club President to schedule a charter ceremony upon receiving:

  • One complimentary set of charter member certificates (mailed shortly after each new club is chartered, usually to the District Director)
  • A customized banner for your club—unique to District 5 (it takes 4-8 weeks for the banner to arrive)

The certificate reads, “Toastmasters International certifies _____________ as a Charter Member of an officially chartered Toastmasters club with privileges and responsibilities of active membership”. The certificate is signed by the Executive Director. Customization is for the member name only.

For more information: Contact the District Director →

Sample agenda

Here is a sample agenda, please feel free to come up with the agenda that works best for your club members.

Ffa Officer Installation Ceremony Script

1:00 – 1:02 Sergeant At Arms: Opens meeting

  • Welcome / turn off cell phones
  • Reads the club mission
  • Introduces Toastmaster

1:02 – 1:04 Toastmaster: Set the context of the charter meeting, introduce dignitary speakers

1:04 – 1:15 Dignitary Speeches:

  • 1-2 Speeches by dignitaries from the company (for a corporate club): (2 minutes x two dignitaries, with 1 minute introduction/transition by Toastmaster)
    • Ex. Our first speaker is _____ from ____ department. Please welcome them to the front. [Speaks] Thank you _____ our next speaker, _____, is from _____ department.
  • 2 Speeches by dignitaries from Toastmasters International (2 minutes x two dignitaries, with 1 minute introduction/transition by Toastmaster).
  • Tip: Email your district director for information on the dignitaries.

1:15 – 1:35 Toastmasters International Dignitaries:

  • Induct Charter Members (30 seconds x 20 members)
  • Install club officers
  • Present the Club Charter and Club Banner to the club President

1:35 – 1:38 Club President: delivers the acceptance speech (3 minutes)

  • Acceptance speech typically includes the club President’s plan for the club (overview) for the next 6 months.
  • Recognizes the club Sponsors and Mentors

1:38 – 1:45 Toastmaster: Runs through a simple version of a regular meeting.

  • Welcome first speaker

Ffa Officer Script

1:45 – 1:55 Speakers:

  • 1-2 prepared speeches with 1 minute transition by Toastmaster
  • Toastmaster then introduces Table Topics master.

Ffa Officer Installation Ceremony Script Example

1:55 – 2:00 Table Topics: 2-3 1 minute table topics

2:00 – 2:02 President: adjourns the meeting (2 mins)

Ffa Officer Installation Ceremony Script Templates

Take Pictures to capture the moment